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How to Find Songs by Subject

As a subscriber to the® Database search engine, you'll have three ways to find songs about almost anything:
  1. Super-Categories:
Once you've subscribed and logged in, click on any of the Super-Categories, which will help you quickly drill down further to very specific categories. For an illustration of Super-Categories, see the "Super-Categories & Themes" tab above or click here.
  1. Open-Text search box:
Select a theme, topic or concept from the Index Search box provided and click "Go". We are constantly expanding our thesaurus to make it easier to search for exactly what you need.
  1. A-Z listings of all the main song categories:
Click on any letter to see all the song categories beginning with that letter. When you reach any category, you will see at the top of the page the search sequence that leads to it, even if you arrived from another link or location on the website. This will help you quickly find that category in the future.